Betting consistently - key to profitabilty

The no. 1 mistake bettors make

The no. 1 mistake every bettor makes at least once is trying to make it big in one bet. It doesn't matter if it's your favorite team or you think you got a really good tip. In sports betting nothing is sure. Predictions are not sure.

When emotions take over

You are on a winning streak. You want to bet it all on the next bet. Don't!
You are on a losing streak. You want to make it back in one bet. Don't do it!

Betting consistently

Make small consistent bets without emotion. After you build up your bankroll with the profits you can increase your wager amount.
Consistency is the greatest miracle.

Profits with BetPickr

We at BetPickr have booked nice profits since the service started in May 2021. All you need to do is bet consistently. That means every day.
No large bankroll is needed. Since we probably have the best subscription prices on the market, you can start with as little as 25$ and a daily bet wager of 5$.
BetPickr bankroll evolution 2021

If you subscribed to our betting predictions in May with a 25$ bankroll, your bankroll would be now 163$. That's 650% increase in 7 months. You don't see such profits in stock or crypto! Well maybe you do, but the risk is much, MUCH, higher.

Secret tip: if you compound your profits just like investing in stocks, then your profits we'll be much higher. We'll try to cover this in the following posts.
